24th March, 2020, in Covid-19, New Support Measures, Information For You.
We welcome the efforts taken by governments and others including front line and important key workers (which include barristers for the administration of justice) who are doing all that they can to slow the spread of coronavirus or COVID-19.
For You
Firstly, we are here, and we are here for you.
If you have a new case, or legal query, please do not hesitate and email hello@absolutebarrist/m would be delighted to help you.
New Finance of Legal Costs
In addition we are working with a new finance partner to provide very fast financial decisions, to finance your legal costs to spread the cost of legal support over twelve months, regardless of when you need that support. This will be put in place shortly.
New Online Security Measures
We are already well positioned to manage remote working but are also working hard now, to put in place additional security measures to ensure our market-leading hosted legal solution can support those who are managing their case online and for their barristers who may not be able to travel and may have to work from different locations.
We will make more announcements shortly.
We are here for you, we are here for your case and we are here to support key workers (barristers) and our team in the administration of justice.
Please get in touch as you would usually, about a new case, an existing case or anything else we might be able to help with.