Absolute Barrister Win Disruptive Business Award

7th March, 2016, in Everlinefuture50, Absolute Barrister, Award Winner.


Absolute Barrister are delighted to make the list of the UK's most disruptive businesses.

Absolute Barrister Win Everline Future 50 SLIDE2

“the latest crop to join our growing community of disruptive and game-changing businesses are some of the very best we've seen” (You can read more about the award night here.)

The award recognized throughout the business world is described as a runaway success in identifying disruptive enterprises early on. You don't have to take our word for it, the business award counts heavy weights Funding Circle, CrowdCube and TransferWise amongst its alumni.  

With further announcements about our tech later this year (teaser here) Absolute Barrister is delighted to make the final list of companies described as "companies we believe are going to drastically change the way complacent industries operate”

Founder Simon Gittins said,

“It is terrific to win this award. The Everline Future 50 has proven it can identify those pushing the boundaries of their respective industries. It was a great night, it is a great award for us to win and it means a lot to us here at AB. Thank you to Everline and Real Business.” 

For more information about Absolute Barrister [email protected] or for legal help email [email protected] or click here to contact us.


