If your child has been refused admission into the school of your choice you do not have to accept this decision. You can appeal. The Appeal process though can be an uphill struggle: you will need to persuade the 3-5 people on the Panel that the decision against your child was wrong. The admission authority representative, with experience in these cases and with experience in advocacy, will speak against you and will try to justify why your child should not be admitted to that school.

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We can help by finding you a barrister with a great deal of experience in these cases to fight your case.

You could instruct a solicitor, but why pay for the solicitor fees and wait for your solicitor to hand your case to a barrister, who is the expert in advocacy? We will find you an expert barrister who will represent you directly. No need for a solicitor, and no solicitor fees.

You will be able to contact your barrister directly throughout your case with any questions you have. We don't think worrying about escalating legal fees, or feeling the ticking of the clock is fair so we have our own way of doing things: we will tell you an up front quote for the work at the outset before any work is done at all, so you will always know exactly where you stand. We would like to help, so get in touch.