Call our friendly approachable team and let them arrange for an expert barrister to advise and represent you for your driving offence hearing. We can attend any Magistrates' Court in England and Wales (subject to availability) and you don't need to instruct a solicitor.

It might be that the offence is one which causes you to have more than twelve points. We can help with advice and representation fixed fee from an expert barrister. Simply click 'contact us' or call a member of the team on 0800 222 9998.

"...they will also negotiate with the prosecution to see whether the charge can be accpeted on a less serious basis as made out by the evidence, or accept a lower charge or even in some cases to drop the charge for want of evidence"

Whether it's speeding, drink driving, dangerous driving or careless driving, the law in relation to drivng is not straight forward and in our experience it is incredibily important to have representaiton at the first hearing. 

At the first hearing, you will normally receive advance disclosure from the prosecution, setting out in summary what they say the case is agasint you. With a barrister to represent you, they will look at the disclosure and take your instructions. Then they can advise you on the law in relation to the offence and whether you have a defence.

Where it is appropriate they will also negotiate with the prosecution to see whether the charge can be accpeted on a less serious basis as made out by the evidence, or accept a lower charge or even in some cases to drop the charge for want of evidence. Even if the barrister advises you that you should plead guilty, the barrister is then perfectly placed to advance mitigation on your behalf. This might mean advancing special reasons or mitigating cirucmstances to prevent you from totting up, that is getting 12 or more points on your driving licence which would ordinarily lead to a twelve month ban.  

Since the law has changed, you can now instruct an expert barrister without a solicior. You save because you don't have to pay for both. Contact us now by clicking 'contact us' or by calling 0800 222 9998.