
A barrister is a specialist, an expert in the law and advocacy and traditionally had the last word in any written advice on the law. Solicitors focus on litigation, writing letters and filing documents at court.


We believe that barristers are best placed to give you the advice you need and argue your case. A barrister is a specialist, an expert in advocacy and traditionally had the last word in any written advice on the law.

The elite title of Queen’s Counsel (QC) or ‘silk’ historically could only be bestowed on a barrister. A barrister was instantly recognisable in court, wearing a wig and gown. Barristers would risk everything, including their own reputation, in defending their clients. A lot has changed  but the ethos remains.

In the past, if you needed legal advice it was more likely that you would use high street or a large firm of solicitors. If you wanted to access a barrister it was the law that you had to go to a solicitor first. You had to have two lawyers! 

Solicitors focused on litigation, writing letters and filing documents at court. This monopoly meant that the numbers of solicitors rocketed over the past 30 years at one stage growing a four times the rate of the population. This was unfair and the law was changed. 

Now, you can go straight to a barrister to get the expert advice you need. Barristers can write letters, provide advice, draft documents and now even conduct litigation. We assist you, your company or your case by getting you the expert advice you need, straight from a barrister so there is no need to pay for those tasks you can do yourself.


Our Details

Tel: 0800 222 9998
[email protected]

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